Education Affiliation

An educational institution affiliation agreement is a contract between a Health Care Agency (HCA) and a learning institution. The agreement defines the roles and responsibilities of the participants in the educational experience and addresses the risks for the parties involved including employees, patients, faculty, and students. 

The following template is for use between a Health Care Agency (insured by HCPP) and a University and College and Institute Protection Program (UCIPP) affiliated Institution:

      UCIPP Educational Institution Affiliation Agreement Template – (last updated Dec 2022)

The following template is for use between a Health Care Agency (insured by HCPP) and a non-University and College and Institute Protection Program (UCIPP) affiliated post-secondary Institution (including out of province and international Institutions):

      Non – UCIPP Educational Institution Affiliation Agreement Template – (last updated May 2023)

For affiliations with out-of-province or international institutions, the following waiver should be appended to the above Non-UCIPP Educational Institution Affiliation Agreement Template in cases where Students or Institution Staff are responsible for arranging their own medical/accident insurance:

      Education Affiliation Waiver - (last updated December 2023)

The following template was created in 2017 for use between a Health Care Agency (insured by HCPP) and the University of Toronto. While originally drafted by Vancouver Coastal Health, this template has blanket approval for use by all Health Authorities.  With the recent launch of the Non-UCIPP Educational Institution Affiliation Agreement Template in March of 2023, it is our hope this new template will be suitable for use with any Non-UCIPP post-secondary Institution including U of T.  When existing U of T education affiliation agreements come up for renewal, please consider a transition to the Non-UCIPP template.  If transitioning to the Non-UCIPP template presents undue challenges, the U of T template remains approved for use.

      Governing Council of the University of Toronto Educational Institution Affiliation Agreement

Please note: The indemnities granted by the HCA in the above templates have received blanket indemnity approval. The associated blanket indemnity approval letters can be found under Risk Management > Indemnification Approval (access available to members only)

Related Risk Notes: